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Redgate Monitor
Redgate Monitor
Error: WINRM 0x8009030e
If you have attempted to add servers on a different domain (that is fede...
Redgate Monitor migration guide to version 14
Version 14 of Redgate Monitor will have some breaking changes. This mean...
"Your browser does not seem to be accepting cookies." error message
You're receiving the error message "Your browser does not seem to be acc...
Setting up OpenID Connect (OIDC) with Entra ID in Redgate Monitor
This article provides specific information on how to use Redgate Monitor...
Proxy Configuration in Redgate Monitor
If using a proxy, you will need to configure Redgate Monitor to use your...
WMI error after DCOM hardening patch
The problem: You begin to see WMI permissions error 0x80070005 for the e...
Redgate Monitor alert tuning
Redgate Monitor provides alert types for each category of monitored obje...
Redgate Monitor set up for optimal performance
When getting started with Redgate Monitor, this article lists the setup ...
Redgate Monitor Base Monitor Service Account
For ease of use, Redgate recommends running the Redgate Monitor Base Mon...
Configuring Metrics and Alerts in Redgate Monitor
Once you're up and running with Redgate Monitor, these Redgate Universit...
Getting started with Redgate Monitor
If you're new to Redgate Monitor, getting started is easy with these Red...
Unable to access administrator account
If Redgate Monitor is configured to authenticate users with Active Direc...
Upgrading Redgate Monitor
Preparing to upgrade Open Redgate Monitor web interface, go to Conf...
How to activate Redgate Monitor licenses by serial key (versions before 11.2.3) LEGACY
On Redgate Monitor versions before 11.2.3, you can use only perpetual li...
How to reallocate Redgate Monitor licenses to a new installation
There are two reasons why you might wish to do this: Migrating Redgate...
'Missing' licenses in Redgate Monitor
You are tying to allocate licenses from to servers, in Redg...
"Failed to Activate License...All Entitlements Claimed" Error in Redgate Monitor
You see "All x of the entitlements for serial xxx-xxx-xxxxxx-xxxx have a...
Problem connecting to RedGate Activation server: Manual Activation in Redgate Monitor
You are attempting to add a license in Redgate Monitor and see the error...
Access denied errors when connecting to the Remote Server
Redgate Monitor reports connection errors such as "Monitoring Stopped" a...
Connection failed Internal Redgate Monitor errors
Redgate Monitor reports "Connection failed internal Redgate Monitor erro...
Server Unavailable errors when connecting to Remote Server
Redgate Monitor reports errors such as "machine unreachable" or "cannot ...
Installation, upgrade and maintenance problems
This section gathers the support articles offering advice on common prob...
Password or Active Directory Authentication issues
Redgate Monitor uses password authentication for Redgate Monitor users, ...
'External' Connection problems when adding SQL Servers for monitoring
Redgate Monitor connects to Windows machines and SQL Server instances us...
Problems with Metrics, Alerts and Notifications
Redgate Monitor collects and analyses a wide range of metric and alert d...
SQL Server Performance and Activity Monitoring issues
Redgate Monitor analyzes, plots, and tabulates its metric and alert data...
Problems with Redgate Monitor
If you've run into an issue with Redgate Monitor you should be able to f...
Migrating Redgate Monitor to a new server
If you want to move the Redgate Monitor installation (the Redgate Monito...
Insufficient privileges to install system services for Redgate Monitor
You may encounter the following error message during an installation of ...
FIPS 140-2 Compliance in Redgate Monitor
FIPS 140-2 Compliance The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)...