Upgrading Redgate Monitor Upgrading Redgate Monitor

Upgrading Redgate Monitor

Preparing to upgrade 

  1. Open Redgate Monitor web interface, go to Configuration > About and make a note/copy of the existing web server and base monitor details, including the location of the Redgate Monitor database. 
  2. Backup the Redgate Monitor database – this is a best practice, just in case there are any serious issues with the upgrade that require a rollback at which point you would need to uninstall the latest version, restore the backup and then re-install the existing version you have.
  3. For advice on doing a clean uninstall/reinstall.
  4. Download the Redgate Monitor installer for the version you need, onto the Redgate Monitor Web Server.  
  5. You can find the installer you need here: https://download.red-gate.com/checkforupdates/RedgateMonitorWebService/ 
  6. Check the exe installer is not "blocked" – right click on it, choose Properties and then check to see if there is a button or checkbox that says "Unblock" in the bottom section on the general tab. 
  7. Ensure you run the installer explicitly as an administrator – right click and choose "Run as administrator". 

Installations and upgrades 

There is only one installer per Redgate Monitor version regardless of whether you are installing a new version of Redgate Monitor from scratch or upgrading an existing installation to a new version. You will use the same installation wizard in either case.  

You can do an "in-place upgrade" from any version to any versionWhen you run the installation process, to upgrade an existing installation of Redgate Monitor, it will: 

  1. Uninstall the existing web server and base monitor components. This does not affect the Redgate Monitor data repository, which retains all the existing monitoring and configuration data. 
  2. Install the new versiondescribed here: Installing the upgrade using the existing data repository that you specified

What to do if the upgrade goes wrong? 

If you hit an error during the installation, and may need assistance from Redgate Support, please do the following before you close the installer: 

  1. Capture a screenshot of the error – include this in the ticket with a description of any error massages you saw, details of the Redgate Monitor version you're upgrading from and to, and brief details of the installation (e.g., single server install, or base monitor on separate server, multiple base monitors and so on).
  2. Grab the log file for the failed install – click at the top left corner of the installer and then select Locate Temporary Files. Copy and save the file Redgate.Logfile. 

Rolling back a Redgate Monitor upgrade 

The following steps will roll back to a previous version of Redgate Monitor: 

  1. Uninstall all Redgate Monitor components via the Control Panel > Programs and Features 
  2. Restore the backup of the data repository from the previous version taken before starting the upgrade. 
  3. Install the previous version of Redgate Monitor and connect to the newly restored data repository. 

Retrying the upgrade if Web Server install works but base monitor part fails 

If the web server install succeeds and the error occurs only when installing the base monitor service, you can try the following: 

  1. Uninstall the web component that will likely have been successfully installed. 
  2. Check Start > Run > Services.msc to ensure the previous base monitor service wasn't only marked for deletion (it would show as Disabled and if you try to start it should tell you it's marked for deletion). If this is the case, you will need to restart the server and then proceed with the install). 
  3. Rename the %ProgramData%\Red Gate\SQL Monitor folder and then run the installer again which will recreate that folder and should allow you to proceed. 

Contacting support 

If your monitoring has stopped as a result of the failed upgrade, you can then open a support ticket, providing: 

  • Details and screenshot of the error, plus the log files, as described above. 
  • A description of how and when the error occurred, the error message reported,  
  • Brief details of your Redgate Monitor installation (such as the starting and target version of Redgate Monitor, whether the web server and base monitor are co-located, number of base monitors)