To uninstall a Redgate product go to Control Panel, click Programs and Features or Apps & Features and right click on the tool you would like to uninstall.
Bulk uninstallation
There is also a bulk uninstall tool now available on the latest versions of our products. If you visit the same location and opt to uninstall one of your Redgate products it will give you the option to uninstall them all by checking the box to select all.
You can find the uninstaller at C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Red Gate\Uninstaller.
Silent uninstallation
You will need to use the /quiet switch, for example:
%CommonProgramFiles(x86)%\Red Gate\Uninstaller\Redgate.Uninstaller.exe products "sql compare, sql test" /quiet
NOTE: If the uninstaller folder does not exist, you likely have a legacy tool installed. Upgrading to a supported tool is recommended.
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