How to activate using offline permits How to activate using offline permits

How to activate using offline permits

Most of our user-based tools support the use of offline permits to activate network-restricted or air-gapped devices. Please note that some steps need to be performed on a device with internet access, as well as on the air-gapped device with our product installed.

Before trying to apply an offline permit, you must be allocated as a user of the tool you are trying to activate. Even if you are already an admin or owner of the license. 

On the Offline Device:

  1. Boot up the unlicensed Redgate product and open the licensing menu by navigating to ‘Manage License…’.
  2. If the product is unable to connect to our licensing service, it will automatically enter an offline state.
  3. The welcome screen should appear with the option to ‘Set offline permit’.
  4. Copy or note down the six character code shown at the top of the screen (e.g. "ABC123")

On the Online Device:

  1. Open an internet browser and navigate to
  2. Enter the six character code from the previous step.
  3. Accept the EULA terms..
  4. Either copy the generated permit info to the clipboard and transfer it to a text file, or download a text file containing the permit info directly.
  5. Transfer the text file containing the permit onto the offline device.

On the Offline Device:

  1. Open the text file using a simple text editor (for instance, Notepad) and copy the entirety of the permit into the offline permit box on the licensing menu.
  2. A status at the bottom of the screen should appear confirming the validity of the permit.
  3. Press ‘Save’.
  4. The Redgate product should now be in a licensed state.