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You have not been assigned a license for this tool error
If you are presented with this error when you are trying to use your tools it could be one of two things. 1. You don't have a license for the tool assigned to your account. You'll need to ask the ...
Edited 1 follower 0 comments -6 votes
Error: Something went wrong while signing in. Authentication failed.
You get the error 'Something went wrong while signing in. Authentication failed' when signing in to your license. To fix this problem, add to your firewall Al...
Edited 1 follower 0 comments -3 votes
Error: Sign in failed. The access token has expired.
When logging into your tool, access tokens are valid for 5 minutes so if the system clock is more than 5 minutes out, you'll see this error: Please can you sync your date/time on your machine to e...
Edited 1 follower 0 comments -2 votes
IDP error when activating
This article provides troubleshooting steps for the various IDP related errors you may run into when activating your license. IDP failed to process the request. (An error occurred while sending the...
Edited 1 follower 0 comments -4 votes
Support & upgrades have expired for your product error
If you have a supported license but get the 'Support & upgrades have expired for your product' error when you're trying to use your license, it could be that it just needs refreshing because the li...
Edited 1 follower 0 comments -1 votes
How to activate using offline permits
Most of our user-based tools support the use of offline permits to activate network-restricted or air-gapped devices. Please note that some steps need to be performed on a device with internet acce...
Edited 1 follower 0 comments -8 votes
How to migrate from serial numbers to user account login
In this article, we will provide the necessary steps to transition any existing serial allocations to user-based ones. We are currently updating our licensing system across all of our products. Thi...
Edited 1 follower 0 comments -8 votes
Where to find help at Redgate
Support If you've hit a licensing or technical issue with your Redgate tools, raise a ticket or contact Sales If you are looking to purchase Redgate tools please contact sales...
Edited 1 follower 0 comments 0 votes
Flyway Desktop offline activation
The steps in this article walk you through the Flyway Desktop offline activation process. Click on Manage offline license. If you don't have a license assigned to you, you'll get this message and w...
Edited 3 followers 0 comments -3 votes
SQL Search options greyed out
If you find that after launching SQL Search the options are greyed out there's probably a connection issue, usually when it's opened too soon after connecting to SQL Server. Try the following step...
Edited 1 follower 0 comments -10 votes