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Collapse All Classes Option
There is an option in SQL test for `Collapse/Expand All Databases` but it would also be helpful to have an option for `Collapse/Expand All Test Classes`. Can that be added?
Add SSMS Right Click Option to Create Tests
Add the ability to create a new test class by right clicking on an object in the Object Explorer in SSMS. By right clicking there would be an option added in the context menu that would say `Creat...
Renamed class still exists after rename
If I create a test class called `testMyProc` and then rename the class to `testMyNewProc` works correctly. If I now change it back to `testMyProc` it doesn't work as expected. What I expected was...
Additional object dependency information
When retrieving information on objects could you also include the fields that an object is using. For example, if a view uses the TableA, and it uses fields ID, Name and Attribute from TableA, cou...
Export Option for Excel
Can you add the ability to have Excel output for the dependency list? I know you can export to XML but it would be much more valuable to users to have a direct output to Excel format where it woul...
Explain bar chart
Can someone provide information on what the bar chart that displays on every object in a diagram is representing? I tried looking at the documentation but couldn't find any information around what...
Dependency List is showing too much information
When I load dependencies for an object, I get it narrowed down to the things I want included and then I want to export a PDF of the dependency list. So I have specifically hidden some of the objec...
Script Generator doesn't allow for the URL attribute
Can a textbox be added to allow assigning values to the `url` attribute on `description` nodes?
Script Generator doesn't handle multiple tags
In the Script Generator you can only add a single tag to a script. It would be ideal if multiple tags were allowed to be assigned as well since it is supported by the Schema.
Script Generator UI Change
Could the Script Generator UI be updated so that the script is tabbed interface, and then `Description` as a separate tab instead of a small text box? The `Description` text box does resize if the...