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I had to rollback SQL Prompt v 9.5.5 to 9.5.3 as SSMS memory usage ballooned to 3 GB - inevitably performance plummeted.  I've braved 9.5.6 this morning, so I'll see how it goes. / comments
I had to rollback SQL Prompt v 9.5.5 to 9.5.3 as SSMS memory usage ballooned to 3 GB - inevitably performance plummeted.  I've braved 9.5.6 this morning, so I'll see how it goes.
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This script pulls stored procedure and function header comments starting with @procedure name and ending with ----- into the MS_Description extended property used by SQL Doc. DECLARE fred CURSOR FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT, s2.type, ,SUBSTRING(definition, CHARINDEX(CHAR(13),definition,CHARINDEX('@procedure name',definition,1)), CHARINDEX('-----',definition,CHARINDEX('@procedure name',definition,1))-CHARINDEX('@procedure name',definition,1)) FROM sys.sql_modules s1 JOIN sys.objects s2 ON s1.object_id = s2.object_id LEFT JOIN sys.schemas s3 ON s2.schema_id = s3.schema_id WHERE s1.definition LIKE '%@procedure name%' AND s2.type IN ('IF','FN','P') ORDER BY s2.type, DECLARE @objname VARCHAR(MAX), @type VARCHAR(MAX), @schemaname VARCHAR(MAX), @desc VARCHAR(MAX), @sql VARCHAR(MAX), @systype VARCHAR(MAX) OPEN fred FETCH NEXT FROM fred INTO @objname , @type , @schemaname , @desc WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS=0 BEGIN SET @systype = CASE @type WHEN 'IF' THEN 'FUNCTION' WHEN 'FN' THEN 'FUNCTION' WHEN 'P' THEN 'PROCEDURE' END SET @desc = REPLACE(@desc,'''','''''') SET @objname = '['+@objname+']' IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM sys.extended_properties WHERE major_id = OBJECT_ID('['+@schemaname+'].'+@objname) AND minor_id = 0 ) BEGIN SET @sql = 'EXEC sys.sp_dropextendedproperty @name = ''MS_Description'', @level0type = ''SCHEMA'', @level0name = '''+@schemaname+''', @level1type = '''+@systype+''', @level1name = ' + @objname + '; ' PRINT @sql BEGIN TRY EXEC(@sql) END TRY BEGIN CATCH END CATCH; END SET @sql = 'EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name = ''MS_Description'', @value = ''' + @desc + ''', @level0type = ''SCHEMA'', @level0name = '''+@schemaname+''', @level1type = '''+@systype+''', @level1name = ' + @objname + '; ' PRINT @sql EXEC(@sql) FETCH NEXT FROM fred INTO @objname , @type , @schemaname , @desc END CLOSE fred DEALLOCATE fred / comments
This script pulls stored procedure and function header comments starting with @procedure name and ending with ----- into the MS_Description extended property used by SQL Doc.DECLARE fred CURSOR F...
0 votes
Message from support "We are planning to fix this issue around Nov December this year." [image] / comments
Message from support "We are planning to fix this issue around Nov December this year."
0 votes