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History window differences
The difference navigated to by Previ or Next is hidden by the immovable 'Update your database to the selected version' bar.  The bottom of the right hand side scroll bar is also hidden by this bar.
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I had to rollback SQL Prompt v 9.5.5 to 9.5.3 as SSMS memory usage ballooned to 3 GB - inevitably performance plummeted.  I've braved 9.5.6 this morning, so I'll see how it goes. / comments
I had to rollback SQL Prompt v 9.5.5 to 9.5.3 as SSMS memory usage ballooned to 3 GB - inevitably performance plummeted.  I've braved 9.5.6 this morning, so I'll see how it goes.
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This script pulls stored procedure and function header comments starting with @procedure name and ending with ----- into the MS_Description extended property used by SQL Doc. DECLARE fred CURSOR FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT, s2.type, ,SUBSTRING(definition, CHARINDEX(CHAR(13),definition,CHARINDEX('@procedure name',definition,1)), CHARINDEX('-----',definition,CHARINDEX('@procedure name',definition,1))-CHARINDEX('@procedure name',definition,1)) FROM sys.sql_modules s1 JOIN sys.objects s2 ON s1.object_id = s2.object_id LEFT JOIN sys.schemas s3 ON s2.schema_id = s3.schema_id WHERE s1.definition LIKE '%@procedure name%' AND s2.type IN ('IF','FN','P') ORDER BY s2.type, DECLARE @objname VARCHAR(MAX), @type VARCHAR(MAX), @schemaname VARCHAR(MAX), @desc VARCHAR(MAX), @sql VARCHAR(MAX), @systype VARCHAR(MAX) OPEN fred FETCH NEXT FROM fred INTO @objname , @type , @schemaname , @desc WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS=0 BEGIN SET @systype = CASE @type WHEN 'IF' THEN 'FUNCTION' WHEN 'FN' THEN 'FUNCTION' WHEN 'P' THEN 'PROCEDURE' END SET @desc = REPLACE(@desc,'''','''''') SET @objname = '['+@objname+']' IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM sys.extended_properties WHERE major_id = OBJECT_ID('['+@schemaname+'].'+@objname) AND minor_id = 0 ) BEGIN SET @sql = 'EXEC sys.sp_dropextendedproperty @name = ''MS_Description'', @level0type = ''SCHEMA'', @level0name = '''+@schemaname+''', @level1type = '''+@systype+''', @level1name = ' + @objname + '; ' PRINT @sql BEGIN TRY EXEC(@sql) END TRY BEGIN CATCH END CATCH; END SET @sql = 'EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name = ''MS_Description'', @value = ''' + @desc + ''', @level0type = ''SCHEMA'', @level0name = '''+@schemaname+''', @level1type = '''+@systype+''', @level1name = ' + @objname + '; ' PRINT @sql EXEC(@sql) FETCH NEXT FROM fred INTO @objname , @type , @schemaname , @desc END CLOSE fred DEALLOCATE fred / comments
This script pulls stored procedure and function header comments starting with @procedure name and ending with ----- into the MS_Description extended property used by SQL Doc.DECLARE fred CURSOR F...
0 votes