Hi Paul
Thank you for your forum post.
There are two options for applying a filter using the command line.
The first, is to use the Schema Compare for Oracle and create a project file. Run the GUI, select the data sources and options. Perform the comparison, when the results are displayed, use the results filter to remove the objects you are not interested, so that just the packages (and package bodies if required) are selected.
In the results panel to the right, select each all the packages for deployment and save the project.
Now configure the command line to compare and deploy using the saved project file, as per this example syntax, that will use the project file, deploy the changes and generate a XML report:sco.exe /project:"C:Schema Compare for OracleProjectsWidgetDatabases.ocp" /deploy /deployallobjects /report:"C:ReportsWidgetReport.xml" /reporttype:XML
Further reading on the command line can be found HERE.
Also additional help information can be found using the command line as follows:
sco.exe /? /verbose
The second method, depends upon your usage of Source Control for Oracle (SOCO). Using SOCO you can create a filter file that is saved with a .scpf file extension. You can then use the .scpf file in your command line syntax using /filter:<path to the filter file.scpf>. See the command help documentation.
Many Thanks
Eddie -
Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately neither of these cover my usage.
I am looking to run the script within Bamboo ci and was running the command to compare two schemas and then deploy the result.
I may in the future use the version control product you offer but at the moment we already have packages, triggers, views stored in Git as we keep these file based.
Are there any improvements to this behaviour coming in the near future? I am still on the trial version.
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I am attempting to use the schema compare tool to deploy changes from our development database to our live database. This all seems straight forward.
I am using the command line options to set the source to our dev database and the target to the live database.
My question is are you able to apply the filtering to this as to start off with I only want to deploy packages that need to be compiled onto live?