I am just doing an eval of the Data Compare product for my boss and ran it the first time last night. I could only spend a few minutes looking at the results and then had to leave (we all do get to go home sometime!). Anyway, this morning I wanted to look at yesterdays results and I don't see that option. Is there a way to see these results? Was there soemthing I should have done to save them?



  • richardjm
    The results aren't saved permanently to your computer as they are in effect a copy of the data from the database so can tend to be rather large. The only thing you can do is re-compare the databases to view the results.

    The results are only available as long as SQL Data Compare is running.
  • Brian Donahue

    You could export the comparison results to .csv, although this may result in an unwieldy number of very large Excel files and is not nearly as nice as using the Data Compare UI. Still, it's an option...
    Brian Donahue

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