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More Snippets
Just a few embellishments on the standard Snippets
-- Select Single Star from
Select TOP 1 * from $CURSOR$
-- Left Trim - Right Trim
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Upgrade Server component Error
I have downloaded the 5.3 upgrade, but I came up with this error when upgrading the server component. I tried 3 times and have re-startedc the application after the install. This Instance is a ...
Differential creating VDI 1010 Error
I have created a diff. backup and verify [multiple databases] schedule that creates a warning but appears to first fail giving VDI error 1010: Failed to get configuration from server and then proc...
Other Notifications
Our company is already a multi - Toolbelt wearer of Redgate products, I especially Backup. I was wondering on the possibility of including the capability to have backup write directly ...
Snippet Intergration
Ok, This is a biggy I know, but I have found this to be an excellent marrying of SQL Server Templates and RedGate Snippets. I use the the snippet code of 'chdr' to load this as a code header for...
Snippet Suggestion for Like
Just got ta love this
like '%$CURSOR$%'
use LK (lower case of course 8) )
Snippet Suggestion for Trim
SQL2000 doesn't have a trim function :? to remove trailing AND leading spaces, at least this will lessen the occurance of RSI
I use 'tr' as the snippet entry
Hope that helps...