Activity overview
Latest activity by malcolm.daughtree
More Snippets
Just a few embellishments on the standard Snippets
-- Select Single Star from
Select TOP 1 * from $CURSOR$
-- Left Trim - Right Trim
Like Like
Followed the instructions provided, but to no avail the application will not accept the new DLL
sp_addextendedproc sqlbackup, 'xp_sqlbackup_53.dll'.
I am unable to "bounce the server" this is URGENT. / comments
Followed the instructions provided, but to no avail the application will not accept the new DLL
sp_addextendedproc sqlbackup, 'xp_sqlbackup_53.dll'.
I am unable to "bounce the server" this is URGENT.
Upgrade Server component Error
I have downloaded the 5.3 upgrade, but I came up with this error when upgrading the server component. I tried 3 times and have re-startedc the application after the install. This Instance is a ...
Differential creating VDI 1010 Error
I have created a diff. backup and verify [multiple databases] schedule that creates a warning but appears to first fail giving VDI error 1010: Failed to get configuration from server and then proc...
From what I see, you have chosen certain notificiations and levels to respond to. It would be nice if these were exposed and mdae user configurable, which would include insertion of events into the application log. Maybe, set to off by default and then user switched. / comments
From what I see, you have chosen certain notificiations and levels to respond to. It would be nice if these were exposed and mdae user configurable, which would include insertion of events into t...
Other Notifications
Our company is already a multi - Toolbelt wearer of Redgate products, I especially Backup. I was wondering on the possibility of including the capability to have backup write directly ...
Snippet Intergration
Ok, This is a biggy I know, but I have found this to be an excellent marrying of SQL Server Templates and RedGate Snippets. I use the the snippet code of 'chdr' to load this as a code header for...
Snippet Suggestion for Like
Just got ta love this
like '%$CURSOR$%'
use LK (lower case of course 8) )
Snippet Suggestion for Trim
SQL2000 doesn't have a trim function :? to remove trailing AND leading spaces, at least this will lessen the occurance of RSI
I use 'tr' as the snippet entry
Hope that helps...