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Latest activity by fpdave100
alter table missing @@error check after it results in changes with no transaction
SQL Compare has generated the following:PRINT N'Adding foreign keys to [dbo].[Entity_PhoneNumber]'
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Entity_PhoneNumber] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Entity_PhoneNumber_Entity] FOREIGN KE...
We are on a range of SQL Server versions, but general keep a year behing microsoft releases, so will be on at least that for recent deployments, and my team have been using that for some internal deployments (eg to test department) also. I have done some testing, and even if its creating a sproc, with the DropAndCreateInsteadOfAlter option it now does IF EXIST -> DROP -> CREATE, which is fine for me. The reason we wanat it is not so much for re-runnable scripts, but that someone may have put that sproc on to a server already as a out of version hot fix (yes, horrid!!), and so it would otherwise fail. Also, we definitely want to override the current version with out proper version. / comments
We are on a range of SQL Server versions, but general keep a year behing microsoft releases, so will be on at least that for recent deployments, and my team have been using that for some internal d...
Does DropAndCreateInsteadofAlter work for CREATES also?
We have a scenario where the target db might already have the new SP (done as an emergency fix), but the scripts generated dont know that (they are generated between 2 versions of the schema from T...
merging SSC files between branches
We use SSC control to handle static data with SQL Server, SSMS and TFS.When merging between branches, the SSC data files (the inserts!) do not get handled well by any compare tool used by Visual St...
A useful enhancement to sqlcompare would be to support console output + mirrored output to a log file, not just a results file, so that users can see the output + everything is logged for diagnostics etc. / comments
A useful enhancement to sqlcompare would be to support console output + mirrored output to a log file, not just a results file, so that users can see the output + everything is logged for diagnosti...
I now have - just upgraded to very latest tracked down the problem! it was because I was using a wtee command to pipe output so I could see the output as well as logging it all. eg: sqlcompare options |wtee -a log.log it was giving the error level of the wtee cmd! I think I will just redirect as normal, and have to output when done!
/ comments
I now have - just upgraded to very latesttracked down the problem!it was because I was using a wtee command to pipe output so I could see the output as well as logging it
/assertidentical isnt working as the help in my case
My cmd line is:"c:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\SQL Compare 13\SQLCompare.exe" /ScriptsFolderXML:D:\MISCTOOLS\RUNTEMP\WEB3_DEV_15777\SQLCompare_TFS_DEV_Procurement.xml /Exclude:StoredProcedure:Trad...
click "Commit changes" - get "Timeout expired..."
when I click on Commit changes on one of my main dbs I get a timeout expired error every time.
I have tried to relink it, but this makes no difference.
Other dbs can take a long time to link, but g...
SSC and SQL Compare doesnt notice case changes
I’ve changed a udf from
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[CategoriesChildrenAsXMLGet]
ca.Guid AS 'GUID', ...
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[CategoriesChildrenAsXMLGet]
ca.Guid AS 'Guid',...
Thats t...
I too am looking for a consistent way to repeatably use saved options from the cmd line
The options (tables to include/exclude, PKs, columns to include/exclue, etc) will be specific to a database of a particular schema type (and we have 5 or 6 such schema)
It sounds like I cant do this with projects as I would have to create a project per database (and we have many dbs of the same schema), and argfiles have to be set up by hand, which is a shame.
options I have seem to be:
* convert a project to an argfile (eg an XSLT)
* use a project, but somehow override tfs and specific db connection info from the cmd line (string replace!)
* use an argfile, and just face that I must manually create the argfile for each db schema type.
Any suggestions as to which is the best approach, or any other approaches / comments
I too am looking for a consistent way to repeatably use saved options from the cmd line
The options (tables to include/exclude, PKs, columns to include/exclue, etc) will be specific to a database o...