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SQL History Keyboard Shortcuts

I was recently forced to upgrade SQL Prompt to a version with the “new” SQL History and I'm struggling to figure out how to use it. I press Ctrl+Shift+X, but it doesn't put me in the Search box. I can't figure any way to get to the Search box other than by using my mouse.

I gather there is simple search and advanced search. Is the Search box only for advanced? When I click in it, the Recent queries pane goes away and I get a blank screen. Is the simple search supposed to just be scrolling through recent queries and not searching for words?

If I do click in the Search box, I'm not having great luck getting results, and it usually comes down to I changed some Advanced settings the last time I was in there and it's excluding results. I can't see the advanced settings without clicking something to expose them. What's the point of having a keyboard shortcut to open SQL History if I'm forced to use my mouse almost everywhere inside it?

Other than just trying to wrap my head around how this is supposed to work, the basic function I'm looking for is to Ctrl+Shift+X, type a keyword, and have the Recent queries list filter down to only those queries that have that keyword. Is that possible?

Using SSMS 17.5 but intend to upgrade to the latest shortly. SQLP is

Dick Kusleika

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