I noticed that a less-commonly-known UPDATE syntax isn't supported by SQL Prompt.
You can alias your UPDATE statements... so this SQL (at then end of this message) actually works, but SQL Prompt isn't very helpful as you write it.
I use it all the time, would love if SQL Prompt could help!
update sd
set sd.Product_Name = p.product_Name
from Product as p
inner join Sales_Data as sd
on p.Product_Key = sd.product_key
You can alias your UPDATE statements... so this SQL (at then end of this message) actually works, but SQL Prompt isn't very helpful as you write it.
I use it all the time, would love if SQL Prompt could help!
update sd
set sd.Product_Name = p.product_Name
from Product as p
inner join Sales_Data as sd
on p.Product_Key = sd.product_key