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Jobs in progress - mixed messages


I am getting confusing and conflicting messages from v6 regarding currently executing jobs. On the Activity History all jobs are showing as Successful, on the In Progress tab all jobs are showing as in progress ie the Processed column has a cycling progress ring and in SSMS only one job (the one I actually started off via v6 rt click |Start) is executing ...




  • mattchandler
    Hi Jonathan,

    I had seen this previously in testing, but have had real trouble reproducing the problem. Could you show me the command run by the offending job? If you'd rather not post it in the forum, you can email me on

    Thank you,
  • fatherjack2
    Email sent with attachment screenshots and error output.
  • Nigel Morse
    If you click off a server and back on it do the extra "in progress" items vanish? I have recently fixed a refresh bug in this area so I'm just wondering if this is the same or a new one.

    Also be aware that when using VERIFY this can mean the actual backup is done (and so appears on the activity history tab) but the verify is the bit still "in progress" and when that completes it will update the activity history with the results.
    Nigel Morse
  • fatherjack2
    Hi Nigel,

    I only have one server to test v6 on I'm afraid so cant advise on the effects of the actions that you describe. I can confirm that shutting down v6 and restarting the application has no effect. The in progress jobs were still there, even the next day.

    Yes, I had noted in v5 that the verify part of the job leaves the job showing as in progress but that is also true in SSMS (ie its still shown as Executing in Agent Jobs.
  • Nigel Morse
    The next day you say? In that case (if they are still showing) could you run the query
    exec master..sqbstatus

    And see if that returns any output please?
    Nigel Morse
  • fatherjack2
    I have not had chance to connect to our test server today.

    query returns zero rows.
  • Nigel Morse
    But they are still showing in the V6 UI? even after a restart?

    Sorry to check, it's just that i'm at a loss as to how they are getting there if that query has no output. The UI keeps no record of the in progress jobs between sessions, and the data only comes from runing that query. Or at least I thought it did :?
    Nigel Morse
  • fatherjack2

    Connecting to the test server now and the UI shows no 'In Progress' jobs. The scheduled ones have executed and there is no activity.

    I started a job to further review the situation. It creates a backup of two databases direct to our DR site and generally runs for 10-15 minutes.

    Clicking on the server name the In Progress tab shows the job executing on the 2nd database. Clicking on the first database name there is no entry in In Progress, nor is there one in Activity History - my database is in no-mans-land..? This is a partial aside to this thread though.

    I cannot currently get the In Progress tab to show anything out of the ordinary, if it occurs again I will update here.

    subsequent note:
    There is no Activity History for any database :?

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