Hello DamianWise,
Thank you for raising the question. I wouldn't expect this parameter to be in active use by Flyway Desktop, was this formerly a SQL Source Control project that you've imported please? -
No, this is a new Flyway Desktop project. I have used SQL Source Control in the past but failed to actually implement it. It is possible that in the shuffle I did pick up some cruft from SQL Source Control. I sounds like it is safe to ignore. Can I manually delete the element?
Yes it should be safe to delete, or alternatively change the commit count to 0.
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I have (as you can see) 3 static data tables, but for reasons and cannot attribute to anything, this file sometimes changes to <Count>0</Count> as I use Flyway Desktop (6.8.3).
I does not seem to affect my static data adversely, but shows as a change in my repository.
Can you help explain this?