sqldatacompare /Server1:sqlserv1 /db1:tmp /Server2:sqlserv1 /db2:tmpa /Include:table:Bottle /Exclude:Additional /Exclude:Identical /aow:Medium /ignoreParserErrors /Options:k,c,t,drd /warn /verbose /Synchronize >>C:\TEMP1\outputSDC.txt
It deletes the data in tmpa database that is not in tmp. I thought that /Exclude:Additional would stop it from deleting data from the target database
Hi @cs77
Thanks for reaching out to us regarding this.If possible, it would be useful to have a copy of the scripts folder of your source and target so that I can attempt to reproduce the issue you are seeing. Of course, it isn't advisable to attach these to this public forum post and so I will email you from the ticket we have open for this issue, you should then be able to send your attachments in your reply.
Hi cs77,
Following the support ticket that was created for you. I believe the problem you have reported here using V14.4.4.16824 has been resolved in a later version, V14.4.10.17174.
The latest version of SQL Data Compare is Version
I have updated the ticket and provided a download link where you can download V14.4.4.17174 and V15.5.0.18430. Please upgrade and confirm that the problem is resolved.
Many Thanks
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