Hi @Redshift
So there's a number of different warning levels that prevent deployments from going through and will be aborted, based on the warning level set by yourself.
In this case, the warning for data loss was "High" and so rather than "None" I think you could have used at least "Medium"
The options are the following:Use this parameter to set the minimum warning level that will cause the sync operation to abort.
Valid warning severity levels are:
- High
- Medium
- Low
- Information
- None (do not abort for any warnings)
The default setting is 'High'.
Hi Dan,
We hadn't set a warning level it was using the default.
My specific question related to what is caught by the different warning severity levels.
i.e. what is caught by high that isn't caught by medium or what is caught by medium that isn't caught by low.
Only when I know what the various severity warning levels catch can an informed decision be made as to the appropriate warning level to use.
Obviously 'none' is the sledgehammer approach and forces things through so it's a case of finding the right balance.
The documentation reference you've provided doesn't provide enough detail to make an informed decision.
Hi @Redshift
Apologies, the following documentation should help provide the information you're after.
Thanks Dan
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The loss of data from those columns wasn't an issue as the columns were not in use.
Our powershell script failed with the following message:-
I duly set the AbortOnWarningLevel option to None and the sync worked.
My question is, what do the various AbortOnWarningLevel Options mean in practice?
Could I have used a different option other than None when columns are being deleted?