We are a distributed team of develors, each with our own local dev databases. Redgate source control seems to be all about databases, which we're not really bothered about. All I'm after is a way to source control sql scripts (mostly stored procedure creation scripts) created in SSMS solutions/projects. Does Redgate do this, and if not can anyone suggest an alternative?
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Hi @Martin_D,
By default, once you have connected SQL Source Control to your source control system (in your case using the dedicated model as each of your team have their own database) it will attempt to store creation scripts for all objects. You can use filters to filter this down to only those objects or object types you want to store. Having said that, if there are any dependent objects that are being filtered out, these will be included.
If that is all you want it for then it may work for you in that regard but if you were looking to go down the full CI db devops route you will likely need the entire schema.
The idea is that you have all of the objects in source control to track changes to the entire schema and can then share this with an automated release system - this page goes a bit more into this.
From what you've stated as your need, though, it seems this may be more than you want though I don't know of an alternative I'm afraid.
Kind regards,
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