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Valid cmdline options vs project options

Using SQL Compare version

Is it true that the Options within a SQL Compare project file are meant to be valid cmdline options?

Reason for asking is that a recently created SQL Compare project is showing DisableSocForLiveDbs in the Options list but that doesn't appear to be a valid cmdline option based on the latest documentation. It also only started showing recently, so I'm not sure if this is a recent frequent update that has caused this or if it's related to us unticking the "Database Project compatible script folder output" option in the SQL Compare project.

Could it be that the documentation just out of date? I saw that DisableSocForLiveDbs was a valid cmdline option back in SQL Compare 11.



  • Tianjiao_Li
    Hi @JoshGreenWAUK

    Can you confirm if DisableSocForLiveDbs is available in the option list in SQL Compare 13.4? It doesn't seem to be the case for me. As far as I can see, this option is removed since SQL Compare 12.
  • Alex B
    Hi @JoshGreenWAUK,

    I think this may have gone due to changes in how migrations function in SQL Source Control.  What types of entities were you comparing in the source and target?  I've just checked several project files from scripts, source control and live db and it doesn't show the DisableSocForLiveDbs  option.

    I'll check with the team to confirm whether this is the case or not, though I do believe that previously in migrations v1 or v2 there were extended properties on the database that pointed to the migrations location so perhaps it's based on whether those exist or not?

    Kind regards,
    Alex B
  • JoshGreenWAUK
    @Tianjiao_Li I'm not sure how to check the currently available options apart from on the docs page. It doesn't seem to match the UI options as they appear to roll up multiple options behind a single checkbox in some cases. I've attached a screenshot of our current option setup in the UI.
    Our current set of options in the project file are:
    ObjectExistenceChecks, DecryptPost2kEncryptedObjects, UseClrUdtToStringForClrMigration, NoDeploymentLogging, DisableSocForLiveDbs, IgnoreChecks, IgnoreDatabaseAndServerName, IgnoreFileGroups, IgnoreNotForReplication, IgnorePermissions, IgnoreQuotedIdentifiersAndAnsiNullSettings, IgnoreStatistics, IgnoreSystemNamedConstraintNames, IgnoreUserProperties, IgnoreWhiteSpace, IgnoreWithElementOrder

    @Alex B It's filtered to compare everything apart from Asymmertric keys, Roles, Security policies and Users. If you meant what is setup to be ignored by the comparison rather than just filtered out of the results, please see above for the full list!
    We don't use migration scripts at all, with the "Ignore migration script for database" option ticked in the UI. Does this translate to the DisableSocForLiveDbs option in the project file?
    We also haven't added any extended properties specifically for SQL Compare.


  • Tianjiao_Li
    Hi @JoshGreenWAUK

    Thanks for the screenshot. 
    Is the project file created using older version of SQL Compare? Would you be able to recreate it with SQL Compare 13? 

    In my test, the project created by SQL Compare 13 doesn't have DisableSocForLiveDbs.

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