Hi, thank you for your forum post.
I have added the details of this forum post to an existing enhancement request 'Support Synonym Searches'. The reference for this enhancement is SDI-695.
You may also wish to vote and comment on this SQL Search User Voice Forum Post (If you have not already done so). Hopefully you will see this feature added to a future version of SQL Search.
Excellent news that you like the tool.
Many thanks
Eddie -
I second this change.
Also, can I request that the enhancement also includes searching for a match on the 'server' attribute of a synonym. -
I second that this is a great tool.
Any idea when this will be added? -
Hi @Stoop and @jimVisage1980
Thanks for both of your posts.
There are no current plans to support Synonym definitions within SQL Search.
Feel free to add your suggestion to the Uservoice forum for future consideration though as @Eddie D suggested. The link is below. -
This is really a pity. SQL Search seaches everywhere, even in job step definitions, but it misses to seach in column base_object_name in sys.synonyms even in version 3.5.2.
We would greatly appreciate to see this in SQL Search. We just missed several linked server occurrences in databases because they were encapsulated in synonyms that were not found.
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Thanks for a really great tool!