I really like the feature for auto aliasing tables, but I noticed an issue where if I have a table that already is aliased and then change the table it generates another alias instead of replacing the old alias. For example:
/*Start with this*/
FROM Table1 AS t1
/*delete table name and change to Table2, then this happens*/
FROM Table2 AS t2 AS t1
It should either use the existing alias or it should change the alias to the new suggested alias for the new table. If it changes the alias it should also update fields that had the previous alias to now reference the new alias. This may cause issues if the new table doesn't have the same tables, but intellisense should identify which fields needs to be changed.
It should either use the existing alias or it should change the alias to the new suggested alias for the new table. If it changes the alias it should also update fields that had the previous alias to now reference the new alias. This may cause issues if the new table doesn't have the same tables, but intellisense should identify which fields needs to be changed.