An alternative to get status in bulk. Though unsure of which versions of SQL this works with...
SELECT name, state_desc FROM sys.databases -
So for the upcoming release (hopefully tomorrow), I've changed the query so it just does a single select to get the databases which should be considerably quicker.
select name, cmptlevel, DATABASEPROPERTYEX(name, 'Status') from master..sysdatabases
For the other ability to add databases based on prefix (or exclude added databases from the list) that will have to wait for another time. -
Thank you!
Happy to help, you've caught us at a particularly good time
An update that should be quicker is now available via check for updates (1.2.4)
I confirmed this is quick to list many databases after upgrading to 1.2.4. Thanks again.
No worries, it's really nice to see there are people still getting good use out of the tool.
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Running a SQL trace it runs:
select name, cmptlevel from master..sysdatabases
Then for each of my ~800 databases it checks the db status.
...~4 or 5 minutes later...
2. Future feature request to speed up adding new databases:
My basic usage
Expand the server.
Wait 5 minutes
Select all databases starting with prefix_DBName. //Most are grayed out on the left. The new one or two databases I need to add are not grayed out.
Push Add>> and OK
Future request might be for it to auto detect databases starting with a certain prefix and prompt if I want to add them to my distribution list.
We've detect 3 new databases starting with db_. Do you want to add them to your distribution list?