Noticed that it now ignores the maintenance window
Hi Crimdon,
Thanks for posting on the Redgate forums.
5.0.7 introduced changes to maintenance window where only performance related metrics are suppressed and not machine alerts.
You can see the list of alerts which are suppressed here ... ce+windows. The maintenance window documentation has also been updated to reflect this change. -
Is there now any way of suppressing email alerts in the maintenance window? This was the main reason I used maintenance windows...
Crimdon has a good point. We use Maintenance Windows precisely for the case where a machine will be down and may possibly have multiple reboots and we don't want to receive email alerts on it. This change in 5.0.7 leaves us with no way to suppress machine down alerts during maintenance times.
I understand the change in behaviour does deviate from how you are used to using the product.
I have fed this back to the development team and we are investigating if there is any way people can exclude more alerts. I will give an update on this as soon as I get some further information. -
There is a temporary short term solution to this which is to edit the SQL Monitor database to include the alert numbers you want to exclude in the [settings].[KeyValuePairs] table.
UPDATE [redgate].[settings].[KeyValuePairs]
SET [KeyValue] = '"10","1","5","11","40","16","4","24","12","44","45","41"'
WHERE [KeyName] = 'MaintenanceWindow-AlertsToExclude'
Adding the alert Id to the SET will stop alerts being generated for that Alert type. You can get the Alet ID's from
SELECT * FROM [alert].[Alert_Type]
The solution is only temporary as changes made in 5.0.x might then overwrite anything you add. Of course you can then re-run the update statement to again contain all the alerts you want to exclude.
For future work the team are investigating adding some UI options to allow you to select alerts you do and don't want to see in maintenance windows to remove this problem. -
This fix works fine from an email perspective but I'd still like an option to suppress the alert completely.
Hi Crimdon,
Apologies in the delay in coming back to you.
This has been raised with the development team and I will update you when I get a new response. -
Workaround don't work for me in Version
- emails will be sent in maintenance hours
- alerts will popup in maintenance hours -
Has this been tested to work in 5.1?
Apologies all for not updating this thread.
This has been tested to work in 5.0.11 upwards, including 5.1.
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