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Small bug in RC1-timeout registering database during compare

Here is an oddity. I chose to compare a backup with the live database. Everything worked fine whilst making up the project and I was able to click on the tab that allowed me to pick the tables to compare. I then clicked on the options screen to twiddle a few knobs before banging the button to do the actual compare. It fussed away for a while and then returned with a timeout error saying it couldn't register the databases! Huh?
I then switched back to the tables tab, and it reregisted and got the table metadata etc etc like a 'goodun'. Yup all fine.
I banged the button again and Lo! it all worked fine. It did a successful comparison and got it right too. Cor, it is magical when it works



  • richardjm
    That's an interesting one. We'll have a look into it. Maybe it genuinely did time out registering your live database for some reason, perhaps it didn't respond to the login quick enough as I think that's the only place we would time out like that.

    We'll keep an eye out for it in testing but not seen it before.

    It's nice that we 'work magic' too :D
  • AndrewRMClarke
    Local backup file, local database. Nice simple test environment. reasonably fast network. Only trouble is I can't replicate it now.
  • richardjm
    Was this the first time you'd connected to your local server since the last reboot or something?

    *clutching at straws*
  • AndrewRMClarke
    Yes, but it had successfully registered to draw up the 'tables' tab, and for the initial connection. I was using the project wizard for the first time.
  • richardjm
    OK that's very bizarre. We'll have a good look into that area. Have you seen the problem since or was it only that one time?
  • AndrewRMClarke
    I'm wondering whether it was due to lack of space in the directory which held the backup. I can't imagine you are writing to the directory (it wouldn't help those of us who write backups to DVDROM.) However, I had a 'drive full' error on the server that had the backup file on it (not the workstation I was running SQL Data Compare on) due to an Acronis Job which had eaten huge amounts of space. It could be coincidence but.....
  • richardjm
    No, we store no data on the directory where the backup is pulled from. As you're entirely right it would be crazy. In fact we only pull small parts of the file from the source as and when we need them, the main exception to this is we store the schema from the database.

    However we obey the TMP or RGTEMP environment variables as to where to store temporary files. This is becoming a Red Gate standard now to obey RGTEMP as data compare in particular can be quite space hungry (we're working on reducing it's need for space in the point release).

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