
I have Red Gate Performance Profiler 7.4 Trial version which is expiring soon and have some profiled results with this version. I also have Red Gate Performance Profiler 6 license so before my 7.4 trial version run out I saved those 7.4 (app7results) results format as a 6 (app6results) format so I can open them with Profiler 6 but when I tried to open it it's crashing with this error:

Exception while trying to open profiler file.
at RedGate.Profiler.Engine.Reports.ReportFactory.ProfileFromCompressedLog(String baseFilename, Stream& uiData)
at ??.??.?(String , ?? )

Caused by:

C:\Users\meetp\Desktop\Performance Result\6.7.1\Red Gate\Office 2003 With Conserve Memory\6.7.1 With 6.6.1 Aspose Libs (Aspose.Cells6.0_Aspose.Word10.2) With Office_2003_Line-level.app6results was generated by an incompatible version of ANTS. This file's format version is 702, but this version of ANTS is designed to read version 608 files.
at ?...ctor(Stream , String )
at RedGate.Profiler.Engine.Reports.ReportFactory.ProfileFromCompressedLog(String baseFilename, Stream& uiData)

Please provide any suggestion.


1 comment

  • dene.boulton

    As of version 7.2 this has been a known issue due to changes we made to how we record certain types of events.

    Major known issues for releases can viewed here: http://www.red-gate.com/SupportCenter/C ... ceProfiler

    I am afraid you will be unable to open those results in a 6.x version of the profiler.
    Edit: Internal reference to this issue is PP-2446

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