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Error in the Log file and Sync does not work for some DB Tab

Running the following Command from a batch file:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\SQL Data Compare 9\sqldatacompare" /project:"U:\Upload Projects\Uploads\Puritan_WASHECPDB01.sdc" /scriptfile:"U:\uploads\Puritan_QA_WASHECPDB01.sql" /synchronize /verbose /out:"U:\UploadLog\Puritan_QA_WASHECPDB01.Log" /FORCE

After executing this I get the following written to the Log File

Serial Number: 001-001-146654-78F7

Loading synchronization parameters from project file: U:\Upload Projects\Uploads\Puritan_WASHECPDB01.sdc
Comparing database QADB01.Puritan with database WASHECPDB01.Puritan...
Registering databases
Comparing databases
Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

If I run the SDC file via the Redgate gui it works fine and syncs the files. What could be wrong with the Script?



  • fstanzini
    The whole script was not displayed...

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\SQL Data Compare 9\sqldatacompare"
    /project:"U:\Upload Projects\Uploads\Puritan_WASHECPDB01.sdc"

    I added carrage retures so you can see the entire script

    Thanks in advance for your help.
  • James B
    Thanks for your post.

    What sources does your project use? Is it a database on both sides, or is one side of your comparison a set of script folders?
    James B
  • fstanzini
    The Data Compare is doing a Database to Database compare. There are 2 scripts. One does a reverse compare and saves the data as a SQL Script. the second does the compare and syncronizes the data.

    If I run this via the gui it works fine but from the Command line, the SQL file is not created and we get the error message in the log file.

    We migrated these scripts from a Ver 7 redgate install and updated the data to point to the new directories on the new server and changed the version number in the command line to be 9 instead of 7.

    Was wondering if there was a command line switch that is either missing or now required in version 9

  • James B
    Is it possible that you'll be able to send us the databases to help look into this?

    If possible, mail directly, quoting F0046446 in the subject line.
    James B
  • James B
    Do you have a table in the target DB that doesn't exist in the source? If so, you may be encountering the problem detailed in this post:
    James B

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