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Profiler becomes unresponsive while viewing results

Running ANTS Performance Profiler 5.2 on a dual-proc 2.8GHz machine, 64-bit Windows Server 2008 R2, 4GB RAM.

I profiled an ASP.NET application and gathered six or seven counters along with it. I ran the profile for less than five minutes and ran the app with a single user load. I saved the profile data and it makes a 20MB file.

When I try to view the report the profiler UI process starts taking between 50% and 100% of the CPU and climbs up to take nearly 3GB RAM. It settles down a bit (50% CPU) and if I click something, it pegs the CPU and eats RAM again. I can click about three methods to view information on before the UI thread becomes entirely unresponsive and I have to manually kill the application.

I'm running the profiler and the application over terminal services since I don't have physical access to the machine, but it is a physical machine (not a VM).

Is this a known issue? Sort of makes the profiler unusable.



  • Chris.Allen
    This is very uncommon so I'm thinking there is something very unusual with that specific file. Can you please send it over to
  • tillig
    I will send it over.

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