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The problems I encountered were not with the profiler, but with the memory profiler so I retract my declaration that the beta is a failure. I have a new one for you on the profiler, but more on that in a sec. The program being profiled (when I ran the memory profiler) was designed with the intention that the user will always close the program (using the red X) rather than having some type of quit menu option (at this time I'd like to point out that this UI was *NOT* my design and, personally, I think it sucks!) Neither the window closing nor the window closed events are captured, so the application is simply closing with no exit code. You asked if I saw something like ... [and provided an example]. No, I saw nothing and there was no capture file. That was my concern since I would have expected, at least, a capture file telling me that nothing was captured or that an error condition had been encountered. Instead, I got a pop-up telling me that the program had terminated abnormally with nothing more than an OK button. I do have ANS Profiler 3 installed on my system, but I have never encountered this behavior with it, which seems odd since you stated that you haven't begun to rework the memory profiler. Now for the bad news. The agency that I work for (I'm a contractor) uses the McCafee VirusScan Enterprise product (version 8.0.0, scan engine 5300 patch 15) and it detected a program called CbEvtSvc.exe as a Trojan (BackDoor-DNM) belonging to the RedGate.Profile application and deleted it. This occurred during the on-access scan when I started Profiler. Now, I'm neither fond of nor impressed by the McCafee product (I prefer Trend-Micro) but it's the agency standard and they *really* don't take kindly to virus notifications (all notifications are sent to Network Operations as well as the workstation where they occurred). So now I get to fill out a lovely report on what I was doing, where I acquired the program, what was the installed base, etc., etc., etc. Because of this I will no longer be trying out the beta. Since the project that I'm on acquired Profiler 3 with a 3-year maintenance, I think I'll just wait for the final product. Thank you for your time and efforts and, contrary to the tone of this posting, I very much appreciate RedGate striving to make my life easier and I will happily continue to use your products until you're out of business or I find something better. Sincerely, The Toolsmith / comments
The problems I encountered were not with the profiler, but with the memory profiler so I retract my declaration that the beta is a failure. I have a new one for you on the profiler, but more on th...
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