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Hi Matthew.
Yes, copying the shortcut to my 'Inicializar' folder solved the question.
Esio / comments
Hi Matthew.
Yes, copying the shortcut to my 'Inicializar' folder solved the question.
There is a gap.
When typing the insert for existent tables, the SP3.8 doesn't bring the identity colum (and I'm happy for this), but if you create a new table and type the insert command, so SP3.8 will mount the insert command based on the create table script, it brings the identity column.
Esio / comments
There is a gap.
When typing the insert for existent tables, the SP3.8 doesn't bring the identity colum (and I'm happy for this), but if you create a new table and type the insert command, so SP3.8 ...
Hi Bart. I tried to understand this, but can't explain this also.
And look, if I use the following statement, but with alter table, with the blank lines before the statement, when I refresh the cache. SP35 now can show the trigger code, but doesn't show the blank lines
CREATE trigger AMZ_Delete on dbo.ARMAZEM
select * into #inseridos from inserted
select * into #deletados from deleted
execute dbo.pr_Grava_Log 'ARMAZEM' @ERROR <> 0 GOTO Erro
******************************* / comments
Hi Bart. I tried to understand this, but can't explain this also.
And look, if I use the following statement, but with alter table, with the blank lines before the statement, when I refresh the cac...
select * from dbo. <popup doesn't appear>
select * from dbo.A <popup doen't apper>
select * from dbo.AC <popup appears with my tables/views starting with AC. With the popup showed , ff I delete de AC, the popup show all objects>
select * from dbo.. <popup appears normaly, but note I typed two ".">
select * from dbo. <pressing ctrl+space, popup appears>
Ésio / comments
select * from dbo. <popup doesn't appear>
select * from dbo.A <popup doen't apper>
select * from dbo.AC <popup appears with my tables/views starting with AC. With the popup showed , ff I delete de ...
Ok Bart.
It's now clear for me what is happening.
Well, for me, it isn't the perfect environment, but of course, this little problem will not decrease all benefit SP brought.
We can survive with this ;-)
Thanks a lot for your clearly response.
Best regards
Ésio / comments
Ok Bart.
It's now clear for me what is happening.
Well, for me, it isn't the perfect environment, but of course, this little problem will not decrease all benefit SP brought.
We can survive with th...
I don't have a specific script.
I just type my statementes in one database, then I clear my command window (using ctrl+shift+del), then I type use <db> alt+x, then I again clear my command window and start typing my new command.
Sometimes, SQL Prompt brings me the oldier database schema.
Ésio Nunes / comments
I don't have a specific script.
I just type my statementes in one database, then I clear my command window (using ctrl+shift+del), then I type use <db> alt+x, then I again clear my command wi...
Hi Tilman.
Another question.
I was using QA, using a specific login user (windows login).
Then, for a specific reason, I needed to open a second window, in the same server/database, but using another sql login.
SPv3 than started getting the schema again. The same schema I think.
I'm presuming you are not checking the permissions wich user have in database (I tested this, SPv3 bring me a table in intelissense that my user don't have permission). So, why is it necessary do get the schema again?
Another question, is, maybe can be a good idea, when opening a new widow, a dialog box asking if the user want's to use intelissense in this windows. I think in SQL Prompt 2 it's work.
In the sample above, I needed to disable SPv3 and open a new QA application with the second user.
Ésio Nunes / comments
Hi Tilman.
Another question.
I was using QA, using a specific login user (windows login).
Then, for a specific reason, I needed to open a second window, in the same server/database, but using anoth...
Hi Tilman.
I'm sorry, I didn't undestand "schema panel". Is this QA Object Browser?
If it is; yes I can my schema information there.
Ésio / comments
Hi Tilman.
I'm sorry, I didn't undestand "schema panel". Is this QA Object Browser?
If it is; yes I can my schema information there.