Hi Esio,
Hmm, that's quite odd. We haven't been able to reproduce this but we'll continue to keep an eye on it. It's unlikely that any fix will make it into the 3.5 final release for reasons I outlined in my earlier post, but if we are able to reproduce it we'll get a fix into 3.6.
Bart -
Just to be absolutely clear: you mean that the popup doesn't appear after the '.' rather than that it doesn't contain the expected objects, e.g. tables, when it does appear (even if forced)?
Bart -
select * from dbo. <popup doesn't appear>
select * from dbo.A <popup doen't apper>
select * from dbo.AC <popup appears with my tables/views starting with AC. With the popup showed , ff I delete de AC, the popup show all objects>
select * from dbo.. <popup appears normaly, but note I typed two ".">
select * from dbo. <pressing ctrl+space, popup appears>
Ésio -
OK thanks Esio, we'll take a look into it. That's pretty strange and at the moment I've no idea why it might be happening.
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Typing select * from dbo. the tables don't appear. I need to press ctrl+space to see the tables. Or type the two first letter of the table name, ex: select * from dbo.or -> orders
But typing select * from dbo.. (two .) they appear.