Hi Esio,
That's very interesting. It's something we've not seen. You ought to generally be able to do the following:
USE db1
USE db2
USE db3
USE db4
and get code completion pop up for the right database depending on where your cursor is in the script. There are really only a couple of provisos:
(i) It can take some time to load or re-load the meta-data for the different databases so there's usually a delay before the right code completion appears.
(ii) If you've blacklisted say db4 to stop SQL Prompt caching it and then move the cursor down below the "USE db4" command you'll get intellisense popup for whatever the last database was you used (this obviously isn't ideal).
Having said that, if it is going wrong I'd really be grateful if you could provide me with a small sample script that would reproduce it since we've never yet seen this happen during testing.
Bart -
I don't have a specific script.
I just type my statementes in one database, then I clear my command window (using ctrl+shift+del), then I type use <db> alt+x, then I again clear my command window and start typing my new command.
Sometimes, SQL Prompt brings me the oldier database schema.
Ésio Nunes
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Sometimes, when using "USE <DB>", SQLPrompt still shome the schema from the oldier database. I need to repeat the command or use the databases combo in QA to get my actual schema.
SP v>