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Latest activity by EsioN
Hi Matthew.
Yes, copying the shortcut to my 'Inicializar' folder solved the question.
Esio / comments
Hi Matthew.
Yes, copying the shortcut to my 'Inicializar' folder solved the question.
Error in startup after upgrade to SP3.9
After I updgrade my SP to version 3.9, the "SQL Prompt Query Analyzer Integration" shortcut was created in window program group "Startup".
But my windows is in Portuguese, the correct group ...
There is a gap.
When typing the insert for existent tables, the SP3.8 doesn't bring the identity colum (and I'm happy for this), but if you create a new table and type the insert command, so SP3.8 will mount the insert command based on the create table script, it brings the identity column.
Esio / comments
There is a gap.
When typing the insert for existent tables, the SP3.8 doesn't bring the identity colum (and I'm happy for this), but if you create a new table and type the insert command, so SP3.8 ...
Hi Bart. I tried to understand this, but can't explain this also.
And look, if I use the following statement, but with alter table, with the blank lines before the statement, when I refresh the cache. SP35 now can show the trigger code, but doesn't show the blank lines
CREATE trigger AMZ_Delete on dbo.ARMAZEM
select * into #inseridos from inserted
select * into #deletados from deleted
execute dbo.pr_Grava_Log 'ARMAZEM' @ERROR <> 0 GOTO Erro
******************************* / comments
Hi Bart. I tried to understand this, but can't explain this also.
And look, if I use the following statement, but with alter table, with the blank lines before the statement, when I refresh the cac...
select * from dbo. <popup doesn't appear>
select * from dbo.A <popup doen't apper>
select * from dbo.AC <popup appears with my tables/views starting with AC. With the popup showed , ff I delete de AC, the popup show all objects>
select * from dbo.. <popup appears normaly, but note I typed two ".">
select * from dbo. <pressing ctrl+space, popup appears>
Ésio / comments
select * from dbo. <popup doesn't appear>
select * from dbo.A <popup doen't apper>
select * from dbo.AC <popup appears with my tables/views starting with AC. With the popup showed , ff I delete de ...
Improvement for insert statement.
When typing insert, it'g greath when SP3.5 show me the column list and the values (/* type */ default_value).
Can be more usefull if, with the /* type */ SP brings me also the column name. ...
Problems with alter trigger
Some of my trigger has blank line before the create trigger statement.
For these trigger, SP3.5 doesn't show me the code. They are listed in alter trigger <trigger list), but the code doesn't appea...
Shortcut to Disable
A shortcut to disable SP3.5 can be good.
Tables don't appear after dbo.
Typing select * from dbo. the tables don't appear. I need to press ctrl+space to see the tables. Or type the two first letter of the table name, ex: select * from dbo.or -> orders
But typing se...