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If I can add a hearty "PLEASE DO THIS"... I go back and edit every JOIN I code for this precise reason... Thanks for adding the enhancement request... When does voting start? / comments
If I can add a hearty "PLEASE DO THIS"... I go back and edit every JOIN I code for this precise reason... Thanks for adding the enhancement request... When does voting start?
0 votes
Well, when one forgets that GO puts the variable out of scope one must expect it to be missing from the suggestions - DUH! Apologies... Note to self, "GO is a pain to remember!" :oops: / comments
Well, when one forgets that GO puts the variable out of scope one must expect it to be missing from the suggestions - DUH! Apologies... Note to self, "GO is a pain to remember!" :oops:
0 votes
The Dev Virtuals are SS2008 under Windows Server 2008 except for the 2 suffixed 2K, which are SS2000 under Windows Server 2003. The latest UI crash after the reinstall was when I tried to add mceSTGsql. I ran the server-side install on that box but it still crashes the UI. I also tried to add the mceDEVsql2K server, and after the crash also ran the server-side install. Still cannot add either server, but I have the mceDEVsql server up fine... I just took a chance and added the mceUATsql server successfully! So I closed the UI and when I restarted it and expanded the dev group, the mceUATsql server showed the "red X" and then the UI crashed. I just disabled Symantec's Endpoint Protection completely and Lavasoft's Ad-Aware Service is suspended. I managed to add mceSTGsql successfully. Adding mceDEVsql2K\ECOM crashed the UI - that's the one I ran the server-side install for yesterday. Deleted the Dev Virtuals Group. Closed UI. Restarted. Added Dev Virtuals group. Added mceDEVsql - OK so far. Closed UI. Restarted. Tried to add the mceUATsql SS2008/WS2008 instance and crashed. Now I've successfully added mceSTGsql again... There really doesn't appear to be a clear pattern here... Any benefit in your remoting in? / comments
The Dev Virtuals are SS2008 under Windows Server 2008 except for the 2 suffixed 2K, which are SS2000 under Windows Server 2003. The latest UI crash after the reinstall was when I tried to add mceST...
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