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GO xxx
SQL MultiScript seems to have a problem when a script has a GO statement with a number following it
GO 15
I think SQL Prompt has problems too ...
I am just exploring Log Shipping and have run through the wizard 5 times now without success. I keep getting this error:
Setting up log shipping - Failed
Performance Snapshot details incomplete for CPU utilisation
Server A has an application that seems to rob the CPU at times but we cannot find out exact details. When SQL Response lists an alert the grid to the right of the graph in the Performance snaps...
Missing Indexes feature request
would it be a useful feature to include a list of missing/potential indexes for each database in the recommendations view?
Parameters could be user configurable for predicted impact/benefit or ...
how are index stats collected for recommendations
I have 4 servers monitored by SQL Response and there are nearly always indexes listed as having excessive fragmentation. The down side to this is that I have an overnight job that reviews index...
Low physical memory alert on 3 servers - erroneous ..?
I have 3 SQL 2005 Server Instances that are monitored by SQL Response. Server Instances A + B are on one physical box and server instance C is on its own box and hosts the SQL Response reposito...
feature suggestion
I don't know how many other developers work but the way I produce scripts involves adding Raiserror lines in my TSQL that report progress to me while I am developing/debugging. Once I am happy ...
Synch script to external editor
would it be possible to leverage the script layout functions from SQL Prompt or SQL Refactor to layout the synch script when its opened in SSMS etc ?? would save some key strokes and look a who...
Highlighted row in Alert grid
would it be possible/ a good idea to have the alert highlighted in a colour that is not the same as the group headings please? I view alerts by server and the group header is the same as the 'a...
SSMS Bookmarks wiped by Ctrl +K,Ctrl +Y / Ctrl+B,Ctrl +S
is it a known fact that when you use the layout SQL features that any SSMS bookmarks (using Ctrl+K,Ctrl+K) set in code files are wiped?
Is there any intention to consider maintaining them or is...