They are usually indexed in parallel, so it would be hard to display which ones are being done in a useful way.
Cheers Alex
It just seemed that my initial indexing seemed to take an age -
I agree, some idea of where the indexing has reached would be useful, maybe indicate which databases are indexed as they complete in the drop down list? eg dbname(not indexed yet)
We're currently working on improving the performance. Do you have a view on what you would consider a reasonable delay for this one-time operation?
We're also hoping to add a progress indicator that will show the remaining work.
David Atkinson
Red Gate Software -
David, since installation none of my servers are yet indexed (ie they still say indexing ...) when I start SQL Search.
Have you any idea how long it might take to scan x objects? You could show a % complete and the option to finish current db and stop/continue/continue when cpu < 10% etc etc
I'd like it to complete or offer the option to finish the first scan in maybe 3 minutes, or possibly x minutes per database.
gaaah, "it depends"!
Jonathan -
We don't have precise benchmarking figures yet, but we're working on that. I'd say it currently takes five minutes to index 1000 objects. Could you run the following query on a typical database and let us know what it returns?
SELECT RTRIM(SUM(LEN(text))) + ' total text size across ' + RTRIM(COUNT(DISTINCT id)) + ' objects' FROM sys.syscomments AS s
David -
on one 'medium' sized candidate:
89804 total text size across 96 objects
and on the most complex:
25437190 total text size across 9798 objects
(off to buy a sleeping bag and camp bed ...)
another biggy:
80307349 total text size across 6130 objects
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it would be useful to add the database currently being indexed when first running SQL Search, to give some indication of progress