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Backup multiple databases, excluding specific databases

In order to streamline creation of an automated backup plan on a sql server with many databases I wish to use the script provided to backup multiple databases but there are several databases on the server that I wish to exclude from this process. The data bases that I wish to backup all are set to full recovery mode, the databases I wish to exclude are all configured simple recovery mode. any way to query the recovery mode of the db in the script and backup only db's set to full recovery?

Script provided from documentation:

set nocount on
declare @datestamp varchar(30)
declare @databasename varchar(200)
declare @backuppath varchar(500)
declare @filename varchar(500)
declare @backupstring varchar(1000)
declare @failcount int
declare @failflag int
create table #resultstring (message varchar (2500))
create table #jobresults (message varchar(2500))
set @failflag = 0
set @backuppath = 'F:\MSSQL_BACKUP\'
declare dbs cursor for
select NAME from sysdatabases
where name != 'tempdb'
order by dbid
open dbs
fetch dbs into @databasename
@fetch_status != -1 begin
set @datestamp = left(replace(replace(replace(convert(varchar(30), getdate(), 120), '-', ''), ' ', ''), ':', ''), 12)
set @filename = @backuppath + @databasename + '_db_(full)_' + @datestamp + '.sqb'
set @backupstring = '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE TO DISK = ''' + @filename + ''' WITH NAME = ''Database (' + @databasename + ') Full'', ERASEFILES_ATSTART = 1, COMPRESSION = 1" -E'
insert into #resultstring
exec master..sqlbackup @backupstring
select @failcount = count(*) from #resultstring
where patindex('%error%', message) > 0
if @failcount > 0 begin
insert into #jobresults (message) select message from #resultstring
set @failflag = 1
else begin
insert into #jobresults (message) values ('Backup succeeded: ' + @databasename)
delete from #resultstring
fetch dbs into @databasename
close dbs
deallocate dbs
select * from #jobresults
drop table #resultstring
drop table #jobresults
if @failflag = 1 begin
RAISERROR ('Backup failed to complete successfully for all databases.', 16, 1)
set nocount off



  • petey
    Use the DATABASEPROPERTEX function e.g.

    set nocount on

    -- Description: Backs up all databases on the server via a call to the
    -- extended stored procedure for SQLBackup. Script will
    -- raise an error if the word "error" appears any where in
    -- the message string returned by the SQLBackup extended
    -- stored procedure call.
    -- PreReq: The backup directory specified in @backuppath must already
    -- exist.

    declare @recoverymodel varchar(12)
    declare @datestamp varchar(30)
    declare @databasename varchar(200)
    declare @backuppath varchar(500)
    declare @filename varchar(500)
    declare @backupstring varchar(1000)
    declare @failcount int
    declare @failflag int

    create table #resultstring (message varchar (2500))
    create table #jobresults (message varchar(2500))

    set @failflag = 0
    set @backuppath = 'E:\DBBACKUP\SQLBackup\'

    declare dbs cursor for
    select NAME from sysdatabases
    where name != 'tempdb'
    order by dbid
    open dbs

    fetch dbs into @databasename

    @fetch_status != -1
    SELECT @recoverymodel = CAST(DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@databasename, 'RECOVERY') AS VARCHAR(12))
    IF @recoverymodel <> 'SIMPLE'

    set @datestamp = left(replace(replace(replace(convert(varchar(30), getdate(), 120), '-', ''), ' ', ''), ':', ''), 12)
    set @filename = @backuppath + @databasename + '_db_(full)_' + @datestamp + '.sqb'
    set @backupstring = '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE TO DISK = ''' + @filename + ''' WITH NAME = ''Database (' + @databasename + ') Full'', ERASEFILES_ATSTART = 1, COMPRESSION = 1" -E'

    insert into #resultstring exec master..sqlbackup @backupstring

    select @failcount = count(*) from #resultstring where patindex('%error%', message) > 0
    if @failcount > 0
    insert into #jobresults (message) select message from #resultstring
    set @failflag = 1
    else begin
    insert into #jobresults (message) values ('Backup succeeded: ' + @databasename)

    delete from #resultstring

    fetch dbs into @databasename

    close dbs
    deallocate dbs

    select * from #jobresults
    drop table #resultstring
    drop table #jobresults

    if @failflag = 1
    RAISERROR ('Backup failed to complete successfully for all databases.', 16, 1)

    set nocount off
  • stratburst
    Script provided fails to backup. In Q-Analyzer It completes quickly with only a display of databases where recovery = full. Is it possible that the first db selected has recovery to simple so it fails there?

    Thanks in advance ~Chris
  • petey
    Yes, there was an error in the original script, but I modified it a couple of minutes later so it should work now.
  • Brian Donahue
    There is an undocumented stored procedure in the master database of SQL Server that you could also use called sp_MSForEachDb. This works similar to a DOS for command to execute the same SQL against all of the databases on the system:
    EXEC master..sp_MSforeachdb "master..sqlbackup '-SQL ""BACKUP DATABASE &#91;?&#93; TO DISK=''&lt;AUTO&gt;''""'"
    Brian Donahue
  • pchee373
    How can I add the encryption password to this script?

  • Daniel Handley
    When you want to add an encrypted password you will need to add the option
    PASSWORD = 'password'
    Daniel Handley

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