Use the DATABASEPROPERTEX function e.g.
set nocount on
-- Description: Backs up all databases on the server via a call to the
-- extended stored procedure for SQLBackup. Script will
-- raise an error if the word "error" appears any where in
-- the message string returned by the SQLBackup extended
-- stored procedure call.
-- PreReq: The backup directory specified in @backuppath must already
-- exist.
declare @recoverymodel varchar(12)
declare @datestamp varchar(30)
declare @databasename varchar(200)
declare @backuppath varchar(500)
declare @filename varchar(500)
declare @backupstring varchar(1000)
declare @failcount int
declare @failflag int
create table #resultstring (message varchar (2500))
create table #jobresults (message varchar(2500))
set @failflag = 0
set @backuppath = 'E:\DBBACKUP\SQLBackup\'
declare dbs cursor for
select NAME from sysdatabases
where name != 'tempdb'
order by dbid
open dbs
fetch dbs into @databasename
@fetch_status != -1
SELECT @recoverymodel = CAST(DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@databasename, 'RECOVERY') AS VARCHAR(12))
IF @recoverymodel <> 'SIMPLE'
set @datestamp = left(replace(replace(replace(convert(varchar(30), getdate(), 120), '-', ''), ' ', ''), ':', ''), 12)
set @filename = @backuppath + @databasename + '_db_(full)_' + @datestamp + '.sqb'
set @backupstring = '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE TO DISK = ''' + @filename + ''' WITH NAME = ''Database (' + @databasename + ') Full'', ERASEFILES_ATSTART = 1, COMPRESSION = 1" -E'
insert into #resultstring exec master..sqlbackup @backupstring
select @failcount = count(*) from #resultstring where patindex('%error%', message) > 0
if @failcount > 0
insert into #jobresults (message) select message from #resultstring
set @failflag = 1
else begin
insert into #jobresults (message) values ('Backup succeeded: ' + @databasename)
delete from #resultstring
fetch dbs into @databasename
close dbs
deallocate dbs
select * from #jobresults
drop table #resultstring
drop table #jobresults
if @failflag = 1
RAISERROR ('Backup failed to complete successfully for all databases.', 16, 1)
set nocount off -
Script provided fails to backup. In Q-Analyzer It completes quickly with only a display of databases where recovery = full. Is it possible that the first db selected has recovery to simple so it fails there?
Thanks in advance ~Chris -
Yes, there was an error in the original script, but I modified it a couple of minutes later so it should work now.
There is an undocumented stored procedure in the master database of SQL Server that you could also use called sp_MSForEachDb. This works similar to a DOS for command to execute the same SQL against all of the databases on the system:
EXEC master..sp_MSforeachdb "master..sqlbackup '-SQL ""BACKUP DATABASE [?] TO DISK=''<AUTO>''""'"
How can I add the encryption password to this script?
Thanks -
When you want to add an encrypted password you will need to add the option
PASSWORD = 'password'
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Script provided from documentation:
set nocount on
declare @datestamp varchar(30)
declare @databasename varchar(200)
declare @backuppath varchar(500)
declare @filename varchar(500)
declare @backupstring varchar(1000)
declare @failcount int
declare @failflag int
create table #resultstring (message varchar (2500))
create table #jobresults (message varchar(2500))
set @failflag = 0
set @backuppath = 'F:\MSSQL_BACKUP\'
declare dbs cursor for
select NAME from sysdatabases
where name != 'tempdb'
order by dbid
open dbs
fetch dbs into @databasename
@fetch_status != -1 begin
set @datestamp = left(replace(replace(replace(convert(varchar(30), getdate(), 120), '-', ''), ' ', ''), ':', ''), 12)
set @filename = @backuppath + @databasename + '_db_(full)_' + @datestamp + '.sqb'
set @backupstring = '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE TO DISK = ''' + @filename + ''' WITH NAME = ''Database (' + @databasename + ') Full'', ERASEFILES_ATSTART = 1, COMPRESSION = 1" -E'
insert into #resultstring
exec master..sqlbackup @backupstring
select @failcount = count(*) from #resultstring
where patindex('%error%', message) > 0
if @failcount > 0 begin
insert into #jobresults (message) select message from #resultstring
set @failflag = 1
else begin
insert into #jobresults (message) values ('Backup succeeded: ' + @databasename)
delete from #resultstring
fetch dbs into @databasename
close dbs
deallocate dbs
select * from #jobresults
drop table #resultstring
drop table #jobresults
if @failflag = 1 begin
RAISERROR ('Backup failed to complete successfully for all databases.', 16, 1)
set nocount off