Because of a number of factors relating to Red Gate's acquisition of Reflector, most notably keeping the 'leash' on it, and bugs that mysterously appear in updates, I am calling for a community effort to build a free, open source alternative to Reflector.

I'm willing to make a significant contribution to the effort, but a project like this would require the contribution of many.

I'm posting this mainly to gauge how much interest there would be in such an effort. Feel free to reply with your thoughts.



  • adriaya
    Which software development methodology is followed in open source customization? Open source customization means,adding some new features or extracting some features from the already existing feature?In this scenario,it will adopt which software development methodology?Is it follow waterfall development methodology,or Rapid application development methodology or some other model?Which methodology best suit for this?
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  • shederman
    I have to disagree. I don't see how making Reflector open source will improve anything. As for Red Gate keeping a "leash" on it, I'm not sure what you mean. They've been adding a great many features, the whole step into feature is genius IMO.

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