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How Do I Cancel a Push?

Still learning the ropes with Flyway Desktop Teams Edition, I have two pushes that I wish to do I do that? 



  • Peter_Laws
    Hi JimmyG,

    I don't think we provide that option, what behaviour are you seeing please?
    I'd typically expect either a success or fast failure with very little opportunity to cancel.
  • JimmyG
    As I said I'm still learning the product so it could be something I did incorrectly.  The two pushes you see in the picture above have already successfully been executed.  

    The first push, 'Merge branch main...', was my initial push to the repository after I set up the Flyway project.  I committed all the changes to the project, then used GIT to do a force push to the repository.  I exited the project, opened it back up, and everything looked OK.

    The second push called test, I modified a stored proc with the project closed.  I opened the project and it auto detected the changed stored procedure. Next...I don't remember which sequence I did but it was one of these: 1) I committed the change to main;  created a branch and pushed the branch to the repository; OR 2) I created a branch; committed the change to the branch; then pushed the branch to the repository.

    After the successful push of test, I switched back to the main branch and deleted the newly created 'push' branch.  

    After, I closed the project and reopened it. It auto detected the change to the stored procedure I had just successfully pushed.  In the Version Control portion of the Flyway project I noticed that there were two pulls from the repository available, so I pulled them. At that point it pulled down the two pushes I had already performed.  

    This next part -- it's been about 5 days so I don't remember exactly...but I want to say the two objects you see in the picture above reappeared as uncommitted changes after I pulled them down from the repository.  I remember thinking if I committed them to main, maybe that would square everything up, so that's what I did, and that brings me to where I currently am -- with the two commits above listed as "ready to push", even though they have already been pushed.  

    That's a lot, I hope it makes sense...
  • Peter_Laws
    Thank you for the walk through. I expect some wires got crossed during the branch switching.
    Flyway ultimately just runs the git cli on your behalf, so I would expect the problem to get visible there.

    Running a 'git status' command should show it. That should put you in a much better position to reconcile the differences between the filesystem and the repo.

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