The ignore data compression option does not filter out spatial indexes with data compression.
Hi @jmbelina
Do you have an example case of this, with some code for me to create the necessary objects to reproduce? -
Yes, try the following scripts, you'll see three difference, then check the ignore data compression setting and you'll see only the difference for the spatial index.
-- database 1 - table without data compressioncreate table [dbo].[featpoint]([featkey] [int] null, [featpointgeo] [sys].[geometry] not null, [featpointid] [int] not null identity(1, 1), constraint [PK_featpoint]primary key clustered ( [featpointid] ));gocreate nonclustered index [NC_featpoint_featkey]on [dbo].[featpoint] ( [featkey] );gocreate spatial index [SI_featpoint_featpointgeo]on [dbo].[featpoint] ( [featpointgeo] )using geometry_gridwith(bounding_box = ( -180, -90, 180, 90), cells_per_object = 16);go-- database 2 - table with data compression
create table [dbo].[featpoint]([featkey] [int] null, [featpointgeo] [sys].[geometry] not null, [featpointid] [int] not null identity(1, 1), constraint [PK_featpoint]primary key clustered ( [featpointid] )with ( data_compression = page ));gocreate nonclustered index [NC_featpoint_featkey]
on [dbo].[featpoint] ( [featkey] )with ( data_compression = page );gocreate spatial index [SI_featpoint_featpointgeo]on [dbo].[featpoint] ( [featpointgeo] )using geometry_gridwith(bounding_box = ( -180, -90, 180, 90), cells_per_object = 16, DATA_COMPRESSION = PAGE);go
(Update: I tried using code blocks to separate the two table definitions, but it didn't show up well so I removed the code formatting.) -
Hi @jmbelina
Thank you for the quick reply with an example, and don't worry about the formatting!
I'm going to pass this along to the developers and get their thoughts on the issue, and I'll provide you with an update once I have one.
Hi @jmbelina
Whilst the developers recognize this as a bug, due to their current workload and priorities they're unfortunately unable to work on it.
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