I just tested your newest .NET 8 compatible ANTS Performance Profiler but I noticed some strange things:
I am profiling a Web.API .NET 8 using Kestrel and chose the '.NET Core/ .NET 5+ application' profiling session.
Things I encountered:
1. Usually I have to start it a few times to get the correct performance graph. Sometimes it remains empty, sometimes it shows red vertical lines. See screenshot below.
2. My Web API runs normally (I check it with
https://localhost:8000/swagger/index.html), but after doing some requests it fails to register SQL Calls (we use Entity Framework). And I have the option 'Enable SQL Query profiling' enabled.
3. I am trying to add the option 'ASPNETCORE_URLS' to the environment variables but it fails to be persisted. Although it maybe is not needed this option, it seems there is a problem with saving these.
4. Why are non of my controller classes in the call tree? I only see the ones in the attached screenshot. I also opened any of the hidden tree options but I can't find them. I mean code like:
public class SomeController : Controller
[ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status200OK, Type = typeof(ICollection<SomethingResult>))]
[SwaggerOperation(Summary = "Get the Somethings", Description = "Gets the list of Somethings")]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetSomethings(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return Json(await _somethingService.GetSomethingsAsync(cancellationToken));
Empty graph in the middle (sometimes restart helps):
![Image: /hc/user_images/01JKDNH50H6JB4EMGXBQNQ5R26.png]()
Missing controller methods (I also did a find 'controller' and openend every closed treeitem):
I am profiling a Web.API .NET 8 using Kestrel and chose the '.NET Core/ .NET 5+ application' profiling session.
Things I encountered:
1. Usually I have to start it a few times to get the correct performance graph. Sometimes it remains empty, sometimes it shows red vertical lines. See screenshot below.
2. My Web API runs normally (I check it with https://localhost:8000/swagger/index.html), but after doing some requests it fails to register SQL Calls (we use Entity Framework). And I have the option 'Enable SQL Query profiling' enabled.
3. I am trying to add the option 'ASPNETCORE_URLS' to the environment variables but it fails to be persisted. Although it maybe is not needed this option, it seems there is a problem with saving these.
4. Why are non of my controller classes in the call tree? I only see the ones in the attached screenshot. I also opened any of the hidden tree options but I can't find them. I mean code like:
public class SomeController : Controller
Empty graph in the middle (sometimes restart helps):
Missing controller methods (I also did a find 'controller' and openend every closed treeitem):