Jinja template is Python based tool
Flyway is a Java based tool.
so I guess Flyway does not support Jinja but I am OK if Flyway support some template engine and if-else-endif syntax.
Hi yohei,
Thanks for the question!
Flyway supports both Script migrations and SQL Migrations and from your phrasing it sounds like you're trying to blend those together into a single file.
Please see under for mroe detail on Script migrations. You said Jinja is python based and flyway does support .py file, so there may be a happy medium for what you need.
I'd expect that you could have branching logic in your script that then invoked the desired behaviour using this format.
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I tried to run SQL statement for specific environment by using Jinja template if-else-endif syntax.
but it failed with syntax error.
SQL State : 42601
Does Flyway support Jinja template if-else-endif syntax?