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Running Powershell script to Automate Datamasker

Hi Team,

To Automate the Datamasker using Power shell. 
Step1 : Created Par file as below 
MASKINGSET=H:\scripts\Maskercatalog\OSBDMASKSQLD01_DMaskTest (14).DMSMaskSet
LOGFILEDIR=H:\scripts\Maskercatalog\Log Files
REPORTSDIR=H:\scripts\Maskercatalog\Log Files
DATASETSDIR=C:\Program Files\Red Gate\Data Masker for SQL Server 7\DataSets

used below script in power shell 
&'H:\scripts\Maskercatalog\OSBDMASKSQLD01_DMaskTest (14).DMSMaskSet' run --parfile  $PARFILE

Concern :
Running Above script i can able to open the Maker file "OSBDMASKSQLD01_DMaskTest (14).DMSMaskSet". 
But not clear on how to Run and schedule to automate the same . Please suggest the way or any Document video reference



1 comment

  • Eddie D
    Hi Vinay11,
    As per the support you submitted to Redgate Product Support.
    Simply create a PowerScript as per the following example:
    cd "C:\Program Files\Red Gate\Data Masker for SQL Server 7"&nbsp;<br>.\DataMaskerCmdLine.exe PARFILE="C:\MaskingSets\mymaskingset_parfile.txt"
    Obviously amend the path to the PARFILE as per your requirements.

    Save the script asd a *.ps1 file.

    Use the Windows Task Scheduler to trigger the PowerShell ps1 script at the day and time you wish the masking to take place.

    Many Thanks

    Many Thanks
    Eddie D

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