we are migrating to Azure and prompt does not see the table and Search does not populate any thing such as DBs and Tables. Does this mean my user does not have permissions to master? Any thought about what I should do to get this to work? Thanks
Could you confirm what's your SQL Prompt version and which authentication mode do you use?
Thanks. -
Thanks I just upgrade before replying to you just in case it fixed it which it did not.
Active Directory with MFA Support.
We use windows authentication on prem and that works. So you might be on the right path asking me authentication mode.
It's strange that it still doesn't work for you in SQL Prompt 10.4.1. Do you have access to those objects in SSMS? Can you check if you have the right permission? https://documentation.red-gate.com/sp/getting-started/requirements/sql-server-permissions
SQL Search doesn't support Azure AD MFA at the moment. Please kindly cast your vote on this feature request: https://redgate.uservoice.com/forums/101149-sql-search/suggestions/40356415-azure-active-directory-universal-with-mfa-authen
Thanks. -
Thanks I think we are there now. And thanks for the voting information.
A short follow up. It seems like I need to refresh suggestions multiple times as sometimes it doesn't not connect to our managed instance. I keep an eye now on the bottom right to make sure it connects without error. It had nothing to do about permissions. The fact that SQL search was not working made me infer that it was permission problems
Troubleshoot the Azure Migrate appliance and discovery. Refer to the Microsoft document that helps you troubleshoot issues when deploying the Azure Migrate appliance, and using the appliance to discover. It'll be better to take the advantage of azure migration services to help safeguard your business.
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