We are trying to monitor user permission. If is there any alerts in Redgate SQL tools that we set up  to send out an email whenever any permission is GRANTED OR REVOKED to a login or database user.
Basically whenever certain 'x' has granted some 'y' permission for a login / database user, that TSQL along with 'x' user info should be sent as alert to notify via an email to the dbagroup via database mail or some other notification such as slack.  

 Let me know if there is a feature in redgate to that.  How we will proceed to do that.  
 Thank you. 



  • Eddie D
    Hi, thank you for forum post.

    By default SQL Monitor does not monitor user permissions.

    You can set a custom metric, further reading available here.

    There is also a dedicated Web site to SQL Monitor Custom Metrics which has a security section and an example metric for monitoring user permissions that may suit you needs.  

    Or alternatively you can write your own metric.

    Many Thanks

    Eddie D
  • Mach
    Thank  you.  It will help me to locate where I can start to create a custom metric.

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