Hi Guys the SQL Data Generator produces hiearchyid datatype data. I would be very useful to have the parent/child paths linked from root to lowest child. That way I could run real checks to find nodes in the generated data. Currently the hierachyid field appear well formed, however are random from what I see.
Hi @Donkey_Brains thank you for bringing this to our attention,I'm going to pass this onto the developers on your behalf. I'll get back to you once I've got an update from them.
Thanks Dan much obliged to you Sir.
Hi @Donkey_Brains I just got some feedback from the developers and with their current workload they're unable to take this on currently and so they're going to backlog it.
Apologies this isn't much help at the current time and hopefully you can understand -
Ok thanks Dan let me know when They got round to it.
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