Hi Matt, I've recreated your issue in version 10.0.4 and raised this with the development team for further investigation
This has been resolved in 10.0.6 . Thanks for the rapid bugfix.
Hi, the issue seems to be back in 10.0.7.
HerrDVD - you beat me to it. Very disappointed to see this bug has returned on the subsequent update after it was fixed. You have to wonder how source control and QA is managed - especially considering the nature of the business.
Hi @HerrDVD @mattbenham apologies I can confirm this bug seems to have returned, I'm raising this with the developers now to get a fix
10.0.8 is available and everything is working fine. Thank you!
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Since installing to fix the dreaded string literal suggestion bug we now seem to have a new feature bug. The "IS" keyword is now being auto corrected to "INFORMATION_SCHEMA":
Previously, the INFORMATION_SCHEMA suggestion was ranked as the second suggestion, not the default. I have confirmed the problem exists on another computer with and does not exist on older versions. As you can imagine, this is quite annoying.
Please can you investigate and fix.