Unfortunately, we have not come across long running queries for this tool.
Can you please enable Verbose logging (Help > Logging > Minimum log levels > Verbose) and then restart SQL Index Manager and reproduce the issue, then click Help > Logging > Locate Log Files.
Hopefully the logs will give some insight into this issue.
Kind regards
where should i enableverbose logging, i have two conditions one is division and other is date_loaded , if include these two columns in index columns , only division is being used for index seek and date_loaded is being used as predicate due to this query reading all the rows even which are not satiesfy where clause
Please suggest what index can improve query performance and what columns need to include in index columns and type of index for my below querydeclare @Division varchar(40)='1520',@Location varchar(40)='ALL',@FROMDATE varchar(40)='20190701',@TODATE varchar(40)='20190731';WITH SIDAILY AS (SELECTDIVISION,JOB_NUMBER,CUSTOMER_NUMBER,CUSTOMER_NAME,CONTRACT_NUMBER,QUANTITY,DATE_LOADED,ITEM,TABLE_ORIGIN,DB_NAME,B.LocationFROM APS_Adhoc_Inventory.dbo.SITE_INVENTORY_DAILY_Profield ALEFT JOIN APS_Adhoc_Profield.dbo.Locations BON A.DIVISION = B.DivisionCodeAND A.TABLE_ORIGIN = B.DB_NAMEWHERE (B.DivisionCode in (@Division)) --OR 'ALL' IN (@Division))and (convert(varchar,B.Location) IN (@Location) OR 'ALL' IN (@Location))AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),DATE_LOADED,112) = CONVERT(VARCHAR,@TODATE,112)) SELECT * FROM SIDAILY
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