What version of Prompt are you using, and can you share the full script please? I can't find any problems with Trim().
I am using the most recent version,
Here is the full script (Format SQL works if the line with TRIM() in it is commented out)USE [database1]GO/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dataimport].[FileToTable] Script Date: 8/6/2019 4:16:58 PM ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOCREATE PROCEDURE [dataimport].[FileToTable]@filepathandname [nvarchar](255),@DBName [nvarchar](128),@TableSchema [nvarchar](128),@TableName [nvarchar](128),@addExtraColumns [bit] = 1WITH EXECUTE AS CALLERASBEGIN-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from-- interfering with SELECT statements.SET NOCOUNT ON;IF @filepathandname LIKE '"%"'SET @filepathandname = SUBSTRING(@filepathandname, 2, LEN(@filepathandname) - 2);DECLARE @FILENAME NVARCHAR(255) = REVERSE(LEFT(REVERSE(@filepathandname), CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(@filepathandname)) - 1));DECLARE @PATH NVARCHAR(255) = LEFT(@filepathandname, PATINDEX('%' + @FILENAME, @filepathandname) - 1);DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(MAX);DECLARE @dbschematable1 NVARCHAR(255) = N'[' + @DBName + N'].[' + @TableSchema + N'].[' + @TableName + N'1]';DECLARE @dbschematable2 NVARCHAR(255) = N'[' + @DBName + N'].[' + @TableSchema + N'].[' + @TableName + N']';--1. check the file, get column names, create table with these column namesEXEC ('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' + @dbschematable1 + ';');SET @sql = 'SELECT TOP 0 * INTO ' + @dbschematable1 + 'FROM OPENROWSET(''Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0'',''Text;Database=' + @PATH + ';HDR=YES;MaxScanRows=1;IMEX=1'',''SELECT TOP 1 * FROM ' + @FILENAME + ''')';EXEC (@sql);DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #colnames;CREATE TABLE #colnames (id INT, colname NVARCHAR(255));EXEC ('INSERT #colnames SELECT column_id,name FROM ' + @DBName + '.sys.columns WHERE object_id = object_id(''' + @dbschematable1 + ''');');SET @sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' + @dbschematable1 + '(';DECLARE @colname VARCHAR(MAX);DECLARE @colname2 VARCHAR(MAX);SELECT @colname = MIN(colname)FROM #colnamesWHERE id = (SELECT MIN(id)FROM #colnames);WHILE @colname IS NOT NULLBEGINSET @colname2 = @colname;IF @colname IN (SELECT currentname FROM #RenameThese)SELECT @colname2 = newnameFROM #RenameTheseWHERE currentname = @colname;SET @sql = @sql + '[' + @colname2 + '] [NVARCHAR](MAX) NULL,';SELECT @colname = MIN(colname)FROM #colnamesWHERE id = (SELECT MIN(id)FROM #colnames WHERE id > (SELECT FROM #colnames c WHERE c.colname = @colname));END;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #colnames;SELECT @sql=TRIM(',' FROM @sql)+') ON [PRIMARY]';EXEC ('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' + @dbschematable1 + ';');EXEC (@sql);--now do the data insertEXEC ('BULK INSERT ' + @dbschematable1 + 'FROM ''' + @filepathandname + '''WITH(FORMAT = ''CSV'',FIELDQUOTE = ''"'',FIRSTROW = 2,FIELDTERMINATOR = '','', --CSV field delimiterROWTERMINATOR = ''\n'', --Use to shift the control to next rowTABLOCK)' );IF @addExtraColumns = 1BEGINDECLARE @columnlisttable TABLE (collist VARCHAR(MAX));INSERT @columnlisttable (collist)EXEC ('SELECT a.NAME FROM '+@DBName+'.sys.columns A WHERE a.object_id = OBJECT_ID(''' + @dbschematable1 + ''')');SELECT collist FROM @columnlisttableSET @sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' + @dbschematable2 + ';SELECT *' + IIF('FullName' NOT IN (SELECT collist FROM @columnlisttable), ',CONVERT(NVARCHAR(2440), NULL) AS FullName', '') + '' + IIF('LastName' NOT IN (SELECT collist FROM @columnlisttable), ',CONVERT(NVARCHAR(700), NULL) AS LastName', '') + '' + IIF('FirstName' NOT IN (SELECT collist FROM @columnlisttable), ',CONVERT(NVARCHAR(700), NULL) AS FirstName', '') + '' + IIF('MiddleOtherNames' NOT IN (SELECT collist FROM @columnlisttable), ',CONVERT(NVARCHAR(700), NULL) AS MiddleOtherNames', '') + '' + IIF('SuffixGen' NOT IN (SELECT collist FROM @columnlisttable), ',CONVERT(NVARCHAR(70), NULL) AS SuffixGen', '') + '' + IIF('DOBDT' NOT IN (SELECT collist FROM @columnlisttable), ',CONVERT(DATE, NULL) AS DOBDT', '') + '' + IIF('DispositionDateDT' NOT IN (SELECT collist FROM @columnlisttable), ',CONVERT(DATE, NULL) AS DispositionDateDT', '') + 'INTO ' + @dbschematable2 + 'FROM ' + @dbschematable1 + 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' + @dbschematable1;EXEC (@sql);END;ELSEBEGINEXEC ('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' + @dbschematable2 + ';SELECT *INTO ' + @dbschematable2 + 'FROM ' + @dbschematable1 + 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' + @dbschematable1);END;END;GO -
Nudge. Any news on this?
Using 9.5.15 this formats without problem for me - whilst I can't actually find that we've fixed anything in particular to do with TRIM, I couldn't reproduce it before either. Can you update and try again?
I too have this problem. The TSQL TRIM function can take an additional parameter which is the string sequence (usually a single character) to be removed from the start and end of a string. The default value is the single space character, as in: TRIM(@stringVar) which works fine but TRIM(',', @stringVar) to remove leading or trailing commas causes SqlPrompt to display an error panel. My little string tidy function is:
<div><i>create function [Maintenance].[strTidy]</i></div><div><i>(</i></div><div><i> @str NVARCHAR(max)</i></div><div><i>)</i></div><div><i>returns NVARCHAR(max)</i></div><div><i>as</i></div><div><i> begin</i></div><div><i> declare @ResultVar NVARCHAR(max);</i></div><div><br></div><div><i> set @ResultVar = TRIM( COALESCE( @str, '' ));</i></div><div><i> set @ResultVar = TRIM( ',' from @ResultVar); <b><<-- Comment this line and SQL Prompt is OK</b></i></div><div><i> set @ResultVar = REPLACE( @ResultVar, ' ', ' ' );</i></div><div><i> if @ResultVar = 'undisclosed'</i></div><div><i> set @ResultVar = N'';</i></div><div><br></div><div><i> return @ResultVar;</i></div><div><br></div><div><i> end</i></div>
SQL Prompt VS
SQL Server: 14.0.2027.2 -
Ok that one helps reproduce it, thank you. I've raised this as SP-7802 and will come back to you when we've had a chance to review it.
This is fixed in 9.5.18 - Let me know how you get on.
Still not completely fixed, the below SQL now formats fine:
<div>SELECT TRIM('AW' FROM [dc].[CustomerAlternateKey]) AS [CustomerAlternateKey] , [dc].[CustomerKey] FROM [dbo].[DimCustomer] AS [dc];</div>
However, when TRIM is not in the first column "Format SQL" fails with "Exception: Cannot align to a future token "AW" at line 2, column 10, offset 37", e.g.:
<div>SELECT [dc].[CustomerKey], TRIM('AW' FROM [dc].[CustomerAlternateKey]) AS [CustomerAlternateKey] FROM [dbo].[DimCustomer] AS [dc];</div>
I'm using
Still not working correctly in 9.5.23.
Still not working correctly in
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When this line is present the 'Format SQL' fails with Exception "Cannot align to a future token "," at line 73, column 21, offset 2919". Column 26,27 and 28 are ',' in the select statement.
If I comment out this line, then the 'Format SQL' completes successfully.